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Upcoming Projects

I'm a voracious reader. 

My sanctuaries are bookstores, quiet cafes, the library and any place I can read/craft a good story.

Moments encapsulate life itself; beautiful, humorous, quick, wondrous and tragic.

Acting allows me to live in the moment. Writing affords me the opportunity to create the moment. Photography gives me the chance to visually capture and enhance the moment.


I have acted in three short films, such as "Dead Meat," "Scrapped," and "Heavenly Blue." Two of which have been accepted into the "Centrally Isolated Film Festival" at Cornell University this November.

I also wrote and acted in my upcoming mini web-series, "Leaky Thoughts."

This past October, I co-wrote and assisted directed the short film "Deadly Keys."
It finished in second place at  Binghamton University's first 48 hour film competition ever.

It also won the "Fan Favorite" award.


A  short film, titled, "Walk Away," is in Post-Production.


 "Leaky Thoughts" is in Post production.


The short film, "Savage Artists." is in Pre-production.






2014 - Present

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